Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Ying Chen

Meet Rice’s Graduate Ambassador Ying Chen

Meet Ying Chen. Chen is a third- year Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Chemistry at Rice University. Chen is from China and is a Rice Graduate Ambassador. Ambassadors are students who represent the university and help prospective students gain knowledge of student life as a graduate student at Rice.

Chen chose Rice as a graduate school because of Rice’s academic rigor, collaborative research environment, and supportive community. Her research focuses on synthesizing various photoactive transition metal complexes and exploring their applications in diverse fields.

When she is not conducting research, she serves in various leadership roles within the Rice community. She is a part of the Chemistry Graduate Student Association (CGSA), Rice Chinese Student & Scholar Association (RCSSA), and the Chemistry department’s recruitment committee on campus.

Chen advises prospective students to talk to the professors they are interested in and the students that work with them before they make any decisions.

Chen also advises prospective and current students to be aware of all that Rice has to offer and not to be afraid to use the resources available.

“The Rice community is incredibly supportive, and it's important to remain aware of the multitude of resources that Rice provides,” said Chen.

Outside of academics, Chen enjoys eating at her favorite restaurant, Rice to Meet You. She also enjoys a good night’s sleep!

Graduate ambassadors can be contacted via email at Ying Chen can be contacted directly by email at

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